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The CEO Teacher Podcast

May 31, 2023

Thinking Of Starting A Teacher Podcast? Stop Right Now And Give This One A Listen…

Podcasting is a relatively untapped market, with so many shows fizzling out after the first few months. You could potentially get in the ground floor and create the newest viral content – just by showing up today! Learning to make an...

May 24, 2023

So What Is A Marketing Funnel And How Can It Impact Your Teacher Business?

Marketing funnel- also called a pipeline, conversion funnel, sales funnel, or even simply part of the customer journey depending on the nature of your businesses. A marketing funnel is a clear path for your customer from your idea to your freebie...

May 17, 2023

How To Get Out Of A Sales Slump With Innovative Teacher Summer Sales Ideas

For a full time teacher summer can be a time to grow your business even if it seems as if the whole world is on vacation. Use it as a time to get systems in place for the fall, create new products, resources, ideas, etc. Many businesses may go on...

May 10, 2023

Life after Teaching Can Be A Scary Discussion, a Paralyzing Thought, or the Freedom You Never Knew You Needed When you Leave the Classroom!

I see you! You have spent your entire life working toward becoming an educator. Or maybe you are one of the 30% of new teachers who are leaving their jobs within the first 5...

May 3, 2023

Ai For Business Is A Fast Growing Concept- 1 Million Users In The First 5 Days Fast!

Do I believe that AI and programs like Chat GPT should replace the personal touches you bring to your business? NOPE- You shouldn’t rely solely on AI for marketing. Does it mean you cannot effectively incorporate AI in your business?...